Monday, April 21, 2014

Capstone Recap

Doing a Capstone was just as hard as I had expected. The most gruesome part was writing the fifteen page paper. The easiest way to get through writing the paper, is to split the work up and just get it done. The overall presentation went well; I had some trouble with my judge showing up really late and asking many question on my research and end product. The judges could do a better job by not taking too long, and just make the whole process a lot more simpler by not asking many complicated questions.
I enjoyed my capstone class; my professor helped a lot through the whole process. The multimedia part of the capstone went very smoothly; I think we should be able to print more then one poster. I would suggest students next year to start working on their projects; when you start early it takes away a lot of the problems. Also make sure you get your topic approved, and constantly visit Professor Pruitt and update her on your plans and essay.

Presentation View

Friday, April 11, 2014

Presentation Items

For my physical presentation, I'm going to have my poster, my website, additional images to support my research. I would also like to have brochures to pass out to people, and maybe even some candy to draw people to my table.