Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Goals for my career website

The goal of my website is to showcase and give a brief overview about my future career. I would also like to provide information about the colleges that provide the degree needed in order to become a optometrist. 

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Website design help!

Many times we attempt to create a blog/website, but end up failing because we don't know how to properly construct and maintain a decent website. 
Here are some websites and tips to help you create your own successful website!

Have a polished, professional logo--and link it to your home page.
Use intuitive navigation
Get rid of clutter

Focus on the essential elements
Get rid of things you don’t need, those are simply distractions
Use the 80-20 rule:  focus on displaying only the 20% of site elements that are delivering 80% of that usefulness.

2-3 main colors
5-8 Navigation Items
Place important information on top

Think small 10-12KB
Don’t use images that blink

Use Thumbnails
Limit the use of flash
Clean up your code

My favorite site is: www.youtube.com & www.facebook.com

The way these sites are arranged follow through with my research. All the important things are at the top; navigation bar usually only includes a few items.

I wouldn’t exactly change anything, because these website are running at their full potential. I might take out some of the content just to make it run a bit faster.

Examples of good websites: www.twitter.com; www.google.com; www.forever21.com


Tuesday, August 27, 2013


As we as begin our paths toward our dffierent careers, sometimes it gets tough and we do not know how to begin.
Here is just a guide to help you if you are looking at being an optometrist.