Monday, April 21, 2014

Capstone Recap

Doing a Capstone was just as hard as I had expected. The most gruesome part was writing the fifteen page paper. The easiest way to get through writing the paper, is to split the work up and just get it done. The overall presentation went well; I had some trouble with my judge showing up really late and asking many question on my research and end product. The judges could do a better job by not taking too long, and just make the whole process a lot more simpler by not asking many complicated questions.
I enjoyed my capstone class; my professor helped a lot through the whole process. The multimedia part of the capstone went very smoothly; I think we should be able to print more then one poster. I would suggest students next year to start working on their projects; when you start early it takes away a lot of the problems. Also make sure you get your topic approved, and constantly visit Professor Pruitt and update her on your plans and essay.

Presentation View

Friday, April 11, 2014

Presentation Items

For my physical presentation, I'm going to have my poster, my website, additional images to support my research. I would also like to have brochures to pass out to people, and maybe even some candy to draw people to my table. 

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Additional Items to Add to Your Website

Additional things you can add to your website are:
Pictures you took
Capstone Paper
Links to other researchers
Research graph & charts 

Monday, February 17, 2014

5 steps to make a flash interactive piece

1) start in photoshop and make your questions and answers on different layers, don't forget to add a background, title etc
2) upload the file onto flash and start the editing process
3) decide how long you want the flash to be and insert key frames for all layers
4) add actions buttons for every 5 frames
5) add interactive buttons, which will help the reader navigate through your interactive flash, publish too see how it has turned and edit as needed. 

Friday, February 14, 2014

The script

Statistics to include at the beginning

80 percent of what we learn is through our visual system

Vision screenings should not take the place of comprehensive eye exams. A new National Institutes of Health study found that vision screenings in schools and pediatricians offices miss more than 50 percent of children with a vision problem. An eye exam by an eye doctor is the best way to catch a vision problem.

20 percent of children aged 9 to 15 need glasses, and 90 percent of those kids don’t know it?

It's a fact: Today, more than 20 percent of America's 40 million school-age children — over one in five — are affected by vision problems that can pose a significant threat to learning
One way to a better future of America is to correct vision assessments for toddlers.  Have your children tested for vision problems, especially as toddlers.

When you’re young it’s easier to fix any vision problems and create new healthy habits. 

Monday, January 27, 2014

Capstone Advice: 1/27/2014

Important Advice that I heard:
                                  Have an actual presentation
                                  Use Notecards; they help you remember your important facts

My Capstone primary focuses on helping toddlers and creating an more effective assessment for them; this helps and improves the health of toddlers. I'm passionate about helping other thus this is a perfect opportunity for me both help people and improves the lives of toddlers. 

Friday, January 24, 2014

Blog Post: Friday 1/24

Capstone Poster Requirements:

- Lots of Color
-Title of Project
- Pictures that attract people
- Different Fonts & Sizes
- Bullet Points
- Impressive Facts
- Quotes from reliable sources 

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Blog Assignment

My Capstone topic is Optometry.
My Capstone Innovation is to create a new and improved visual assessment for toddlers which is both easier and inexpensive.

Monday, January 13, 2014

Yearbook Critique- Blog Post, Jan 13

Good Critic-
I really like the background that Judith made the gradient is also nice. The purple color goes with our school colors. The borders are nice and vintage looking. Nice gradient in the background and good use of tone.
Bad Critic-
Needs A LOT of work. It lacks the "vintage" look, detail, structure, text. I would not be surprised if Spongebob files a lawsuit against this work of "so called" art. She stole the anchor from the show, and she needs to create her own work. It can be turned into a great cover with some more effort. Some of the designs on the top are cut off, and the colors look gloomy.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

The main reason I chose this specific photo was because of the lighting and space that it had. The extra space allowed me to insert myself in without much trouble. The main challenge I faced when attempting to insert myself was there was extra space that was left over from my "original" picture. Another challenge I faced was converting my picture to a grayscale picture. It took me a long time to out how to change the picture.
Though my new picture doesn't look as good as it should, for my first time I think I did a good job.

My favorite era is the 1950 mainly because of the patterns that really came out. I really like the polka dot and floral print. 

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Blog Post for Jan 7 Online Copyright

I think that this statement is very true. Through the internet we are able to access everything with a click of a button. We can find music, pictures, facts and sometimes even other students papers. Even though we are able to gain all this for free; we shouldn't misuse this freedom. When working on projects, movies and slideshows it's important to remember not to use something that you don't have permission to use. If we do misuse this freedom then this could result in severe punishment. 

Monday, January 6, 2014

Capstone Information

My Capstone topic is Optometry.
My Capstone Innovation is to create a new and improved visual assessment for toddlers which is both easier and inexpensive.